
Our website uses cookies and web statistics to enhance your user experience. We consider it important that you know how and why we use cookies. In this cookie statement we therefore explain our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small, simple text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit our website.


What cookies do we use?

In short:

Functionality cookies or necessary cookies

Functionality cookies ensure that our website works properly. Examples are a cookie ensuring an even distribution of website traffic to keep the website functional and accessible and a cookie storing browser information to enhance user experience.

Analytics cookies

We use analytics cookies provided by third parties to analyse our website traffic. These statistics tell us how often our website is visited and enable us to identify areas for improvement of our website. In this way we are able to optimize user experience on our website on an ongoing basis. The information stored in these cookies includes:

  • your (anonymized) IP address;
  • technical information, such as your browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.), your screen resolution and the device you use;
  • the page from which you navigated to our website;
  • when and for how long you visit or use our website;
  • whether you use certain functionalities on the website;
  • what pages you visit on our website.

The purposes for which we use these cookies include:

  • registering the number of visitors to our website;
  • measuring the time spent per visit;
  • determining the order in which a visitor visits the various pages of our website.

Analytics cookies are loaded automatically, but you can turn them off by clicking the appropriate link in the cookie notice that appears when you first visit the website.

Tracking cookies

We use Facebook advertising cookies that allow us to deliver more relevant ads on social media based on your online surfing activity. These advertising cookies are loaded only if you agree to this when you first visit the website.

For more information about the cookies placed by Facebook for advertising purposes, please refer to the relevant statements on the website of Facebook. As these statement is subject to change, we encourage you to check these privacy and cookie statements regularly:

  • Facebook

We also use other social media tracking cookies. These are cookies that enable certain social media functionalities, such as a YouTube video for a product or the sharing of products or recipes on Facebook, WhatsApp or Pinterest.

Social media cookies are not placed by us, but by the social media websites. When you click on a social media button on our website, a social media cookie is set on your device. Your IP address can be identified by the social media provider when you want to share a page of our website. For more information about the cookies placed by social media providers and the data they collect through these cookies, please refer to the relevant statements on the websites of these parties. We encourage you to check the following privacy and cookie statements regularly:

  • Facebook
  • Google+ / YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

These tracking cookies are loaded only if you agree to the cookie policy when you first visit the website.

Browser settings

If you do not want websites to save cookies on your computer, you can change your browser settings to receive a warning before a cookie is stored, or to block all cookies or only third-party cookies. You can also erase cookies that have already been stored. Please note that you should adjust your settings separately for each browser, device and computer you use. You should be aware that if you do not want to allow cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience with our website will be as good as it would otherwise be. Some of the functionality of the website may no longer be available to you and certain pages may not load correctly or at all. You should realize that blocking cookies does not mean that you will no longer see ads. It simply means the advertising you see will not be customized for you. The methods for adjusting your browser settings vary from browser to browser and from version to version. Click one of the links below to get specific instructions for your browser or consult the help section of your browser for more information.

Our privacy policy

As outlined above, our use of some cookies involves the processing of personal data. For more information about how Berries Pride handles your personal data please read our privacy statement.